Monday, 28 February 2011

ambivalence & Ennio Morricone

I find myself in this extremely ambivalent situation - where Im working on a topic, something I really enjoy and then day by day find myself criticizing it all.

Example: I do LOVE dogs, I really like them. But I see a problem with having pets. I do not accept objectification of any species. So therefor having a dog is now not an option anymore. And now I feel I need to use my standpoint somehow in my art.

But what about all those nice pets, all those puppies born out there?
And not to mention of all cats, hamster, guinea pigs, parrots etc?

Well, I do not even want to go into the topic of pigs and cows.

Slaughterhouses. I do not eat meat. I must probably soon stop eating dairy products to.

Another issue is the supernatural. I have done artworks about telepathy for some years now. Today I read something interesting about this.
And I found it disturbing somehow for my work. But I realize I need to somehow process this.
Question: Why are especially women so highly involved and fascinated by i.e horoscopes ? The text I read claimed it is because of historical reasons - women in general did not have the right to rule over their own lives so they wanted to believe in destiny -that what ever happened it was meant not be like that. So they were powerless. And this is not the ace anymore, at least not for me and my fellow sisters in general (of course there are exceptions…)

My work I believe is more about the option this all could give us…perhaps also an idea about a larger mind - I do somehow believe there are large parts of our minds that are not used. There is so much that goes on and happens - that we say is unexplainable.


btw, this music by Ennio Morricone - jesus it's beautiful. I think I'm fainting.

1 comment:

  1. Du milde. Jag trodde att nu har det hänt. Hon har tagit en tax. Men det var inte så.
    Många har hund av själviska orsaker. Massor av stora hundar lever sitt liv i en liten etta i stadens centrum. Det är inte riktigt hundliv.
    Good to remember the realities. Only love is not enough...
    Vår cairn vaknar allt tidigare. Idag var det tillräckligt ljust redan 06.01. Har försökt skjuta upp eftermiddagsmaten, men det går långsamt. Han är såååå hungrig, ofta börjar gnyendet ren klo 12.00.
