Sunday 23 September 2007

Did you ever even ask me.
I just went along.

And sitting in the toilet I told myself
“jokes aren’t always mean but they all mean”

I should have been S T R O N G E R.



and I can’t laugh anymore as I used to.

thought you were something.

T H O U G H T i was someone.

Standing there with tears in your face.
running into the sea, becoming water.

becoming nothing.

only lame perhaps.

this empty supermarket.

why am I here?

a something nobody wants to visit.
deserted in an empty place.
no heart.
no growing.
no nothing.

nothingness is that something?

would you come and see me?
explore what I have in storage?
little tins on empty shelf.

or would you just walk by because you thought I looked dull.
that I had NOTHING to offer.
or did you even see me when passing by?

and I was OPEN 24h a day.

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